Noise complaints are a common challenge for full-time and part-time landlords and managers. Whether it's loud music, barking dogs, or late-night parties, excessive noise can significantly impact the quality of life for residents and potentially lead to conflicts within the community. 

As a responsible property owner or a property manager, effectively addressing noise complaints is crucial for maintaining a harmonious living environment and ensuring resident satisfaction. 

This article will explore ten essential strategies for dealing with noise complaints. Keep reading to learn more!

Respond Promptly to Complaints

When a noise complaint is received, it's crucial to respond promptly and take the issue seriously. Quick action demonstrates that you value your residents' comfort and are committed to maintaining a peaceful living environment. 

In Canada, where many municipalities have specific noise bylaws, prompt response also helps ensure compliance with local regulations. 

Aim to acknowledge the complaint within 24 hours and begin addressing the issue as soon as possible. This timely response can prevent the situation from escalating and shows your residents that their concerns are a priority.

Investigate the Issue Thoroughly

Before taking any action, conduct a thorough investigation of the noise complaint. This may involve speaking with the complainant to gather more details, visiting the property to assess the noise levels, or reviewing any security camera footage if available. 

In multi-unit buildings, it's important to determine if the noise is coming from within the building or from an external source. Be objective in your investigation. A comprehensive investigation will help you make informed decisions and take appropriate action.

Document All Complaints and Actions Taken

Proper documentation is essential when dealing with noise complaints, especially in the Canadian rental market where provincial landlord-tenant laws may require detailed records. 

Keep a log of all complaints received, including the date, time, nature of the complaint, and the complainant's information. 

Document all actions taken to address the issue, including communications with involved parties, site visits, and any remedial measures implemented. 

Communicate Clearly with All Parties Involved

Clear and professional communication is key when addressing noise complaints. Speak with both the complainant and the resident responsible for the noise. 

Explain the situation calmly and objectively, referencing specific lease terms or local noise bylaws if applicable. Listen to all parties involved and show empathy while maintaining a neutral stance. 

In your communications, outline the steps you're taking to address the issue and set clear expectations for noise levels moving forward. Be sure to follow up in writing to create a paper trail of your efforts to resolve the situation.

Enforce Lease Terms Consistently

Most residential leases include clauses about noise and disturbances. Consistently enforcing these terms is crucial for maintaining fairness and preventing future issues. If a resident is found to be violating noise-related lease terms, issue a formal warning in writing. 

For repeated or severe violations, you may need to consider stronger measures, such as lease termination, following provincial landlord-tenant laws. 

Consistent enforcement sends a clear message that noise violations are taken seriously and helps maintain a peaceful living environment for all residents.

Offer Mediation between Residents if Necessary

In some cases, noise complaints may stem from misunderstandings or different lifestyles between neighbors. Offering mediation can be an effective way to resolve conflicts and foster better communication between residents. 

As a neutral third party, you or a professional mediator can facilitate a discussion between the involved parties to find a mutually agreeable solution. 

This approach can be particularly effective in communities where there's a strong emphasis on resolving conflicts amicably and maintaining good neighbor relations.

Consider Soundproofing Measures

If noise complaints persist, especially in older buildings or properties with thin walls, consider implementing soundproofing measures. 

This could include installing soundproof windows, adding insulation between units, or using sound-absorbing materials in common areas. 

Educate Residents on Noise Policies

Proactive education can prevent many noise issues before they occur. Provide all new residents with clear information about noise policies, quiet hours, and the process for reporting disturbances. Consider creating a resident handbook that outlines these policies in detail. 

In multicultural Canadian cities, it may be helpful to provide this information in multiple languages to ensure all residents fully understand the expectations. 

Implement Quiet Hours

Establishing and enforcing quiet hours can be an effective way to manage noise levels, especially during nighttime hours. 

Quiet hours should align with local noise bylaws, which can vary by municipality in Canada. Typically, quiet hours might run from 11 PM to 7 AM on weekdays and have slightly extended hours on weekends. 

Communicate these hours to all residents and post them in common areas. Encourage residents to be mindful of noise levels during these times and provide guidance on activities that should be avoided or minimized during quiet hours.

Follow-up after Addressing the Complaint

After taking action to address a noise complaint, it's important to follow up with all parties involved. Check-in with the complainant to ensure the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction. 

Also, follow up with the resident who was the source of the noise to confirm they understand the noise policies and are taking steps to comply. 


Effectively managing noise complaints is crucial for maintaining resident satisfaction and a harmonious living environment in rental properties. 

By implementing these ten strategies, property owners and managers can address noise issues promptly, fairly, and professionally.

At Rent In Ottawa Property Management we understand the unique challenges of dealing with noise complaints in the Canadian rental market. 

Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in local noise bylaws, provincial landlord-tenant regulations, and effective conflict resolution strategies. 

We can help property owners implement comprehensive noise management policies, mediate between residents, and handle all aspects of complaint resolution. 

Our expertise in the Ottawa rental market allows us to navigate the complexities of noise management effectively. We are here for you, Contact us today!

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